Hello everyone!🙂
My name is Sascha and I live happily with my wife Nicole and my two sons in Hankensbüttel.
On July 20th, 2011 I took the amateur radio exam in Bremen and have been using the callsign DO8ER since then.
I dealt with radio very early on, I did my first "QSO" many years ago in CB radio. Packet radio was soon one of my hobbyhorses. From 2008, however, I stopped my hobby and didn't do anything on the radio, as many of my previous radio colleagues gave up their hobby and dismantled the stations. At the beginning of 2011, however, I met Daniel (now DL1OFC) again. He sparked my interest in amateur radio and I made the first attempts at walking under his supervision with his training callsign DN1MP.
After 4 months of preparation, I went to Bremen for the exam.
At the 15. Juni 2016 when the time had come after about 5 years with DO callsign, I took my class A in Hanover.
One day later my new callsign came in the mail, now it goes with DF7ER on the bands.
QSL – Info
Ich mag „klassische“ QSL – Karten (ich liebe Papier-QSL-Karten) und ich sende und beantworte alle Karten 100% über das Büro oder direkt.
Shipping QSL cards is once a month via Bureau.
Direct QSL cards: PLEASE DO NOT send me IRC or green Stamps.
I send eQSL / LotW automatically for every contact.
QSL requests via Clublog are is ok.
SWL reports are welcome and answered 100% via Bureau.
I am a member of …

Deutscher Amateur Radio Club e.V.
Der DARC hat rund 32.800 Mitglieder (Stand Anfang 2021) und ist die größte Amateurfunkvereinigung in Deutschland. Ich selbst bin Mitglied im OV Celle Stadt & Land (DOK H05).

European PSK Club – #25328
The European PSK Club, EPC for short, is an informal association of licensed radio amateurs and SWLs who are dedicated to digital operating modes, especially PSK modes.

I not only send paper cards, but also an eQSL automatically for each QSO. A nice service for those who can't get paper cards.
DN7ML when I shouldn't be there ...

If dad isn't there, I like to answer the radio.
You can reach me under DN7ML.