Hankensbüttel is located in Lower Saxony in the Gifhorn district. Cities in the vicinity are Salzwedel, Uelzen, Celle, Gifhorn and Wolfsburg
Hankensbüttel is 95m above sea level, the area is 34.82m² and has 4321 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2010)
On the aerial photo you can see the five amateur radio stations in Hankensbüttel
( unter jeweiligen D sind die Häuser der OM´s ) DH9AF Andi (SK) / DK9CA Martin / DL1OAD Herbert / DL1OFC Daniel and my location 😉

Historically, Hankensbüttel belongs to the group of Büttel localities. The first mention comes from a document from Emperor Heinrich III. from the year 1051, in which the place is evidently mentioned as "Honengesbuthele".
At that time, the Billunger family, followers of the Holy Roman Emperors, ruled the region. Located on important military and trade routes, it quickly developed favorably. Protection was provided by an aristocratic large court whose existence is believed to have existed as early as the 10th century, while a Conradus Honeskesbutle is proven to be the lord of the castle for the 13th century.
As early as the 11th century, Hankensbüttel was the center of an extensive parish district and the seat of the episcopal sending court of the Diocese of Hildesheim. In the middle of the 12th century there was also a Gohgericht and a Gohgräfenhof. After the Billungers died out in 1106, the region came under the rule of the Guelphs, from 1267 on to the Lüneburg line.
During the Thirty Years' War Hankensbüttel was in the marching area of the fighting troops, at times the church was misused as an army camp and horse stable.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, the place experienced the eventful history of the Hanover mansion.
During the Seven Years' War (1756–1763) Hankensbüttel was under French rule as well as during the time of the Kingdom of Westphalia (1807–1813), and from 1866 it belonged to Prussia.
As a result of the Prussian district reform in 1885, Hankensbüttel, which at that time had around 1,200 inhabitants, was incorporated into the Isenhagen district, which was added to the Gifhorn district in 1933.
In 1904 Hankensbüttel was connected to the Celle – Wittingen railway line. Passenger traffic on this route was discontinued in 1974.
Hankensbüttel has been the administrative center of the municipality of the same name since 1996.

The coat of arms of Hankensbüttel : "Divided in green by a silver wavy bar diagonally left. In the center of the arms is an upright golden sword, in the upper right flank a silver abbot's staff and in the lower left flank a silver horseshoe." The wavy bar refers to the river Ise, the sword to the administrative and judicial seat of the former Gografschaft, the abbot's staff to the town as an ecclesiastical center as well as the monastery Isenhagen and the horseshoe to the army and trade routes running through the town.
The colors of the municipality of Hankensbüttel are green-silver (white).

In Hankensbüttel, the Otter Center has existed since 1988 on a 6 hectare outdoor area operated by the association "Aktion Fischotterschutz e. V.". The facility is located directly on Lake Isenhagen.
Lake Isenhagen was artificially created by dredging in the 1960s. For several hundred years, there were fish ponds of the nearby Isenhagen monastery on the site, which became a meadow in the 19th century.
The Isenhagen Monastery on the outskirts of Hankensbüttel was founded between 1345 and 1350 as a Cistercian monastery and has been a Protestant nunnery since 1540.
The legendary preservation of the village during the Thirty Years' War is commemorated at the Pig Market. There are bronze sculptures of a small herd of pigs together with a swineherdess.
According to a local legend, the twelve-year-old swineherdess Juliane Amalie Hinrichsen, called "Püddelchen", was awakened at night by the restlessness of her herd.
In this way, it warned the town in time of an attack by Wallenstein (according to another tradition, Swedish) troops.

The Otter-Zentrum in Hankensbüttel in the district of Gifhorn is a nature experience center located on a six-hectare open-air site at Lake Isenhagen.
The Otter Center presents the endangered species of otter as well as several related marten species in a natural environment.
The facility is run by the association Aktion Fischotterschutz e.V., a state-approved nature conservation organization, and is a much-visited excursion destination on the southern edge of the Lüneburg Heath.

St.-Pankratius-Kirche Hankensbüttel
An exact date for the origin of the church is not known. However, it is certain that at the time of the first documentary mention of Hankensbüttel in 1051, the place was already the seat of a parish. Therefore, a foundation date in the first millennium can be assumed. The church is dedicated to a young martyr who was beheaded under the Roman emperor Diocletian (284-305).

The Gymnasium Hankensbüttel is a high school in Hankensbüttel in Lower Saxony.
It is the oldest grammar school in the district of Gifhorn and the only grammar school in the so-called Nordkreis, the former district of Isenhagen.
The Lorenz Bahlsen Snack-World GmbH & Co KG Germany
is a company founded in 1999 in Neu-Isenburg, Germany, that produces snack foods such as potato chips (Crunchips), Stapelchips (Chipsletten), Salzstangen (Saltletts – früher Salzletten) and peanut products (for example ErdnußLocken) manufactures.
The plant in Hankensbüttel has been in existence since 1972.

The Amateurfunkdienst (kurz: Amateurfunk, englisch: ham radio oder amateur radio) is a radio service in accordance with the Radio Regulations.
In many countries, the international regulations are implemented in national amateur radio laws and the details are specified in amateur radio ordinances and intergovernmental treaties.
A participant in the amateur radio service is called a radio amateur and is assigned a unique call sign by the responsible telecommunications authority.
The so-called Ham Spirit is considered the guideline for participants in the Amateur Radio Service.
In Hankensbüttel we have five stations Andi DH9AF / Martin DK9CA – DN8CA / Herbert DL1OAD / DL1OFC Daniel and me DF7ER / DN7ML.
Regular events in Hankensbüttel
- Wine festival, 1st weekend in August (even years)
- Heidmärker-Fest, 1st weekend in August (odd years)
- Potato Day, 4th weekend in August
- Trade show, 3rd weekend in October
- Schützenfest, 1st full weekend in July
- Rock against violence, 2nd or 3rd Saturday in November
All info from Wikipedia or written by myself.